
great bio-based alternative to traditional materials. These mycelium based materials are great for design or packaging purposes and are currently being explored to be used as structural material. Myco-material is durable, class A fire retardant and is bio-degradable.

We teach others on how to make objects out of Mycelium material. Learn all about how you can make your own Mycelium based materials.

Myco Structures has revolutionized myco-materials by creating the, Grow-It-Yourself Mushroom® material. You can now grow your own ornaments, planters, bricks, etc… with mycelium right in your own home! Their GIY mushroom material has allowed more innovation and sustainable materials to be created.

MycoWorks uses mycelium, a natural and abundant resource, to create Fine Mycelium, a patented technology in a class of its own: the next evolution in mycelium materials.